Our Father, that art in heavens, hallowed be Your name. Thy kingdom come; be Thy will done in earth, as it is in heaven …
(Matt 6:9-10 - Wycliffe Bible)
Hallowed be Your name:
You are holy. Your name tells me who you are. Because you are identified as the One True God who is over all time and space; and because your non-oppressive kingdom is so good, I want to consecrate my life to you and your purposes.
Your kingdom come;
Your effective reign and rule is welcome here.
Be thy will done in earth:
Let it be known and released inside my heart, mind, and soul. May I be a conduit of what is right, true, and good in your kingdom to those I encounter.
Be thy will done in earth:
Let it be known and released inside my heart, mind, and soul. May I be a conduit of what is right, true, and good in your kingdom to those I encounter.
As it is in Heaven:
You sit enthroned in the heavenly place. The fellowship of your presence allows me to approach your throne boldly and with confidence, where Christ, who is my redemption, is seated at your right hand. It is with your scepter of goodness, righteousness, and truth that you reign as High King over all.
Lord, I believe you are good; but honestly, sometimes I don't want your will. I want mine. Yet, my will is broken and your's is accomplished as I work your word into my life. That's where the grit of circumstances and obedience smooth out the sharp jagged "will-spots" in me and I finally yield. With each step of surrender, Your unforced rhythms of grace are discovered. What I thought would be sorrow, becomes my joy.
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