Monday, October 14, 2013


I am the vine, you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you can bear much fruit.  Apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:1

a continuation of the previous blogs....
Since we’ve been on the subject of wineskins… Did you know that water depravation is actually crucial for a wine grape to grow well?  That’s right, in order for a grapevine to produce good and robust fruit that is preferable for wine, it must go without its most precious resource for a while – water.  Specifically for red  wines, mild water-stress is critical in reducing berry size and making the vine switch from growth mode (more shoots and vines) to reproduction mode (more concentration, color, and flavor).

So to continue on in this "desert-journey" story, in a very real sense, God was water-stressing my soul.   On the outside, I looked a bit normal and mundane.  It seemed nothing was happening.  But in reality something on a “microscopic-soul” level was changing.  It was all in response to God’s quiet, still, and at times, seemingly dismissive presence.  I strained toward him much like a grapevine may strain under the soil for water. Sure I was angry but desperation drove me to run after him in new ways…even if it meant shaking my fist at him along the way. 

God was teaching me to hear his voice, to lean in and listen carefully.  There were so many other loud voices that distinguishing his whisper above the crowds holler was near impossible! (John chapter 10) “Shh…be still.”  He seemed to say.  Now I have to admit I did not respond well to his initial attempt at an intimate encounter.  “Don’t ‘shush’ me!”  My soul seemed to say.   “SHOW UP!”  I often hollered in response.   Even in the strain of my wearisome demand, God was working. This discontented sheep was learning to hear her Shepherd's voice. 

He was accompanying me as the false-fires of my heart began to extinguish.  Some of those false-fires did not go out easily.   Like my preoccupation with wanting people to like me in order to feel valuable.  I think I had learned to search for God's voice through the dependency of others opinions.  That was a tough one and I still have to catch the upstarts on occasion...but we will talk more about false-fires another time.  Suffice it to say, God was teaching me through the pain of gossip and slander that while those words hurt, they have no power to define me.  Only my Redeemer can do that.  I am his beloved and so are you!

Sitting in the pain of hurt and disappointment with others and with God was paradoxically scary and life-giving all at once.  I prayerfully brought my hurting heart to a God that I was not sure would even show up.  I didn't know what to expect and I was surprised to find Him there.  As 2 Samuel 22 says, “My cry brought me right into his presence ...and I found myself safe, surprised to be love.”  Something about this paradoxical season was changing me.  In the deeper recesses of my being, I was learning to believe God-even when he showed little sign of himself.  Hebrews speaks of angels fanning the flame of God’s servants and I think there were angels faithfully fanning the soul-flame in me as I lingered between frequent, bitter despair and occasioned hope.  One morning during worship at church I was sitting silent as people sang.  (It was lent and fasting from singing seemed appropriate since my personal theme seemed to be ‘silence’ that year. And frankly, I didn’t feel like singing much) So I sat as the worship team sang “Still”

“Find Rest my soul

In Christ alone

Know His power

In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with you above the storm…

…Father you are the King over the flood

I will be still and know you are God”

 As I heard these lyrics, God gave me a vision of angels just above me where I sat, fanning my soul with their wings as they hovered in quiet presence.  I didn’t need to DO anything but sit and receive the ministry of His holy hovering.  There were no requirements to BE in a certain frame of mind or heart.  I just plain sat with Jesus, withered and silent. 

And somewhere, Somehow, I was changing.  I was moving from being someone who had to outwardly produce visible growth (shoots and leaves) to something different…God was building in me the quiet trust that was needed for robust flavor, intense color, and “living water” concentration-type fruit.  Fruit that could one day offer to the world… a drink.

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