Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our God-Call

Purpose is a funny thing.  We were created to have purpose -  to be a part of something bigger than ourselves - To accomplish something great for the sake of others and to stand in awe of something even greater. (John 14:12)  That is the God-signature in all of us.  That is what our God-imaged soul strains and cries out for.   Without it, our life is small and unrealized. (Matt 25:15-30)  This does not mean WE are to be great. It means that partnering with the King of kings to accomplish his good reign "on earth as it is in heaven" is a fierce calling and counter intuitive journey. (Mark 8:35)  It will take our breath away, sometimes in awe, sometimes in excitement and sometimes in fear and sorrow. To live this way means to die to everything familiar, and to surrender the things we hold most dear, - it is an invitation to release the past, present and future into the hands of something or someone other than ourselves;  someone greater than us.  Someone who loves best, sees completely all time and space, who holds all things within his grasp, and someone who is at work on our behalf.  This is our creator God.  He is our suffering, conquering redeemer, he is our Abba; he is our intimate soul companion.  And he can be trusted entirely with this counter-intuitive life journey.  He will hem us in behind and before, (Isa 52:12) he is sitting at the place of reckoning interceding for us at this moment. (Hebrews 7:24-25) He is the bread and wine that will nourish our souls along this wilderness way (John 6:32-33).  And as we seek to orient our life in His direction, fully consecrating ourselves to His purposes, He will surprise us with this love, (Zeph 3:17) He will redeem us with his miraculous soul-touch (Mark 5:24-34), He will revive us with His heart-passion (Ps 37:4), and he will receive us to himself in all grace and mercy.  This is our hope. This is our Joy.  This is our life.

"Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God's holiness and sovereignty, acknowledging our own  littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down can divine wisdom become ours." - J.I. Packer

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