Friday, August 30, 2013

Making Room

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. – Rev. 3:20 (NIV)

Our Garage is a mess…There are all kinds of things in there, luggage that needs to go up into the rafters, some of the kids old things they’d like to save are scattered throughout the space, bikes, my canning supplies are spread out for the summer,  there are tools and tool boxes.   It’s all important stuff, but the mess prevents me from putting in there the one thing a garage was designed for – my car! What I want in there is my car.  As I was in conversation with a friend this week it dawned on me how well this depicts my inner life with Christ.

There is a garage in me that needs cleaning at times.  I can clutter my heart space with many things and crowd God right out.  There are a lot of reasons I do this, really.  I hang on to things that should get stored up in the rafters but I don’t really want to do the work of getting them up there.  I hang on to things that I think down the road will be beneficial but I don’t really spend the time investing in them to actually make it so.  There are things that really ought to be thrown away but, in a strange and broken way; I rather enjoy the comfort of having them around.  Sometimes I just don’t want to feel the loss of letting something go.

The problem is that, while it may be easier to neglect my heart-garage, it prevents me from having within me what I was designed for – God!  All the boxes of treasured items get in the way.  How can He fit when the space has been filled with so many other things?  I need to make room for Him.  I neglect my heart-garage because cleaning can be so overwhelming.  Just like with a real garage, I say things like, “What do I do with this?  It’s too messy and there’s so much stuff.  Don’t open the door to the street its embarrassing!"  Then I wonder if the venture is even possible.  Well it is... and it is worth the work!

The truth is, if I really desire for Christ to dwell in me, I have to deal with the things that keep him out.  The next few blog posts will deal with just that. It's interesting that Revelation 3:20 was an invitation to the religious to let Christ in.  There's a challenge for us!

Lord, I confess my cluttered heart.  Help me open the door to you and show me the things that have taken up space and keep your presence from being fully realized. Please dwell in me as you see fit.  I am yours. 

Monday, August 19, 2013


A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

 Luke 6:45

            We recently had an infestation of mosquitoes in our house.  For the life of us, we could not figure out why.  That is until a puddle about the size of large kitchen sink was discovered in our backyard.  The water was tepid, green and riddled with those little aforementioned blood thirsty warriors! Once we cleared out the water, viol-la! Problem solved.  

“Out of the mouth the heart speaks”.  Words spring forth from the waters within our heart.  Well if that’s true (and I believe it is because Jesus, who is fully God, all good, King over creation and the smartest man who ever lived said it is), then what has been coming out of my mouth indicates there are some infected, “Mosquito-ridden", places in my heart.  At times I can be cynical, sarcastic, or just downright dismissive with my words; which, according to scripture, suggest a contemptuous heart.  OUCH!  Could that be true?  Contempt is “studied anger”.  Do I really study anger? Well, anger is studied when I ruminate on an offence and do not seek healing or restoration in it.  Where my heart hurts, it will hurt others.  I guess I do study anger.  So when I hear myself using language that dismisses or jabs, even when I’m leading out with humor, the question I’m learning to ask is, “What’s behind this?” I need to chase down the source!
            The other day I said to a friend something that, on the surface, seemed neutral, but it was flavored with frustration and anger. As I chased it down, what was really going on was that I was disappointed about something and I felt disregarded.  I was expecting one thing (regard), and, from my perspective, got another (dismissal).  So I returned the favor.   I dismissed her with my words.  That’s what you do when you’re hurt – right?  Ha!  See, there’s more sarcasm…oh my, this is a deep source? 
            Words are powerful!  They bring life or death because they stem from the life or death within us.   Sometimes words reflect a fresh water spring, refreshing the soul of another.  Sometimes they reflect the stagnate waters in the street, breeding bacteria and disease.    What do my words say about my heart?   If I am to be made new in Christ then I must give him access to my “heart-waters”.  He will heal the broken places.  He will make the tepid waters new.  Yet, as I consider what it feels like to give him access to my heart – the vulnerability causes me once again to want to protect and close myself off.  This battle is fierce!  It all goes back to who I am trusting; Jesus, who is all good, King of creation, completely brilliant, is the one who loves me.  I can trust him to be good and wise while he heals the broken and hurt places.  As I do, my “heart-waters” clear and what springs forth are words of refreshment and life.

Oh God, there is work to be done!  I will be still.  I will wait and partner with you in this “clean-up” job.  Forgive me for allowing these stagnated waters to remain in me.  Forgive me for the way in which I hurt your beloved as a result.  Thank you for being the One who is all good, King over creation, the smartest man who ever lived and loving me.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

In His Name

“Where two or three are gathered in his name God is there.  He is not silent nor is he inactive…The kingdom of God is here.”

While I know this is a conglomeration of various scripture passages it was also spoken by a friend at church today.  His words came with such authority that they seemed to be from God himself.  It was a reminder to his body that He is here, working, living and active!  Where two or three are gathered in his name…, hmm, that doesn't mean simply where two or three are gathered but instead gathered in his name.  What does that mean, “gathered in His name”?  Does it mean only within the four walls of a church?  Does it mean so long as Jesus' name is acknowledged and spoken?  Does it mean among a group of people who share the same doctrinal beliefs?  I don’t think so.  Yet, as much as these ideas seem a little narrow or “off”, they may inform our thoughts more than we realize.

Sadly, the phrase has dulled for me over the years.  It has lost some of its meaning and at times taken some of the above characteristics.  Based on the council of Scripture, In His name means under the Lordship of… or with collective agreement of heart, mind, and soul using all of our strength, we turn and orient toward YAHWEH, God of Israel and God of US!  As we turn and align our life with His, things happenGod is there.  He speaks as we become ready to listen.  As we are led by His Spirit, He governs and lead us towards truth, His truth, and as we follow, our attitude and heart orientation  changes from one of resistance to open handed acceptance.  We surrender.  In our surrender we are able to see His activity and the kingdom of God becomes evident here, in the present place, with this present group of people.  He frees us to live better and love better.  In doing so, the kingdom of God becomes all the more present and active…..He speaks and He is active in and through us as we gather In His name

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." - Matthew 18:20

“….Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions. - Mark 12:28-34

All of this leaves me pondering a few questions…

Do I gather “in His name”? 
If I believe I am what is the evidence?
How am I or others changed as a result?

conversation is good! So leave your comments in the comment box if you feel so inclined :)