So do
not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has
enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34

weary. As I write this, there are a
thousand things that should be attended to.
You know the feeling... weary.
So what of it? Taking a nice long siesta is not on the books. I suppose part of the problem is that I am carrying too much. I was only meant to carry today’s load. Not tomorrow’s or next weeks. Just today’s. After all, it has enough trouble of its own – right?
So what of it? Taking a nice long siesta is not on the books. I suppose part of the problem is that I am carrying too much. I was only meant to carry today’s load. Not tomorrow’s or next weeks. Just today’s. After all, it has enough trouble of its own – right?
I am borrowing a boat load of concerns from tomorrow...well actually, from the entire next month!
Of course I’m weary. The graces
needed for those days have not been afforded to me yet. They will be given at the due time. My concerns have weighed me down and pull me
out of that sweet place of abiding with God.
This worried-gluttoned heart has spoiled like left over manna. Today’s
graces are for TODAY’S events.
if I take up the work and grace for today like the Israelites took up manna in the
wilderness - Careful to take only what is needed? What if I leave unneeded worries on the
ground, to pick up later - trusting God for a fresh supply of grace in the
morning? I suppose that is a much better
way to stay close to God and move graciously through each demand as it
comes. So I am going to stretch my legs
a bit and learn these unforced rhythms of grace that come from Him.
One moment,
one step, one helping of manna at a time, and this empty cup that sits longing to be
filled... will be.
you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and
you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me
and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I
won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll
learn to live freely and lightly.”
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