Staying in the Fire
I remember a few years ago I came to a place where life just wasn't working the way I would like it to. Something seemed to
elude me; though I was not sure what. I knew in my head somehow God
was the answer but it seemed so far off and confusing. However, I
could not deny the fact that God was inviting me to a new place; a place that
would give Him deeper access to my heart and life so I agreed to go. I
did not fully know at that point what I was doing. I suppose that’s
a good thing because had I known the purifying fire that would ensue I’m sure I
would have run! There are a few things I know about fire.
It’s hot, it’s not easy to control, it burns and consumes, and it
purifies. Well that’s how God seems to work in me – just like a
fire. Maybe He works that way in you too.
When we give Him access, desiring a deeper life with him it means opening
ourselves up more to His way. When circumstances come up that are hard we
choose not to run but instead work through them and boy, doesn't conflict turn the
fire up? Releasing control over the situation is hard! There’s no working
to “fix” it or manipulating it to control the outcome. When we let God
determine the outcome, instead of working to control it we work to stay yielded
to His heart in it. Often in relinquishing those things, our hearts cry
out on behalf of our self or someone else, “Wait it’s not fair!” or “Stop! It’s
getting too hot!” But God, in His infinite wisdom and goodness, allows
the fire to continue and in so doing, it burns, consuming the impurities
within us, forcing some of them to the surface. Those are the
things He wants. Those are the things he sees and says, “Hey, can I have
that?” Those are the things we can surrender to Him knowing that when we
do He is making us more like Jesus. As we give God
deeper access to our heart and life we are in the fire together. It’s hot
and often out of control. Staying in it causes our life to be
consumed. But…somewhere in the ashes we find HIM, the One who loves us
and never loses sight of His beloved. So stay where it’s hot. Let
God work. The purifying of the fire allows us to know His joy and reflect Him more. For every part of our life that was lost God gives us His in
return. And His life is so much better!
“Anyone who holds on to life just as
it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love,
you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.” - Jesus