ME: "What do you mean?"
REBEKAH: "It's like we are looking through a peep-hole from wrong side and we assume that what we are seeing is all there is to see."
ME: "What do you mean?"
REBEKAH: "Like the time when Savvy and I were goofing around and I was looking through the peep-hole from the outside. She asked me how many fingers she was holding up and I said none but she was actually holding up six."
ME: I'm not sure I'm following you.
REBEKAH: "Think about it...If all I knew was what I saw, I would think that hands are not meant to have fingers because I never saw the fingers."
ME: "I think I'm tracking."
REBEKAH: "Looking through the peep-hole I saw only part of what was happening and the part I even saw was distorted."
ME: "Ok so how is this connected with prayer?"
REBEKAH: "When we pray we assume we have the big picture about ourselves, inside and out, and we "let God in" to our world assuming we know all about it. The truth is He's the one looking through from the right direction and seeing from the right perspective. So when we say, "Oh let's pray about this." we really need to think about what we pray. I can't just tell God, "Hand's don't have fingers!" and demand that everybody's hands be blobs. I have to actually consider the fact that God sees better than me and hand's might actually work better with fingers, even if I've never seen fingers on a hand."
ME: "So what you are saying is that sometimes we pray from a very limited, broken perspective and we'd be better off....(Beks interrupts)"
REBEKAH: "We'd be better off just opening up to God's idea and going with it, even when it might not make sense...Hand's have fingers!"
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