discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it
produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained
by it." - Hebrews 12:11
As mentioned previously, one of the effects of oak on wine is flavor, but there’s more!
Wine goes through subtle chemical changes as it rests in the barrel,
resulting in greater complexity and a softening of the harsh tannins....Do you see where I'm going with this ? :)... Seasons of “wait” that God introduces can feel similar. 

Staying in this soul space allows us to accept what is blood-soakingly real about ourselves. Our sin has impact, and what is not transformed will be transmitted. My family jokingly quips around the house, “Hey! That sin looks much better on me than it does you!” The last thing I want is to clothe my children with my sin. The silly little quip helps us acknowledge the effects of our brokenness, and it allows us to “wash” a bit over God’s basin of honesty and grace. . Hebrews 12:4-17 speaks of the partnering work God does with us to bring about transformation. It isn't easy but it's worth it! When we pay attention to our disoriented heart and redirect it towards God's, "new wine" forms in us; wine that comes from the vine of Christ where harsh soul-tannins are smoothed and bitter soul-chemistry changes into robust flavor...and it happens as we immerse ourselves in his truth, love and grace.
Is God drawing your attention to broken personal habits or patterns of sin?
How do those patterns impact those around you?
How do they hinder your experience of His love and your ability to express it?
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